CONFLUENCE 2022 Patron Benefits
Donors in all four tiers will be acknowledged on screen at Symphony Hall, in all programs for CONFLUENCE week events, and on Meridian Herald’s website and social media.
Sustaining Patron / $10,000
- Best Seats in the House
- 6 great seats for the premiere of Steven Darsey’s oratorio setting of Sidney Lanier’s “The Marshes of Glynn,” Atlanta Symphony Hall, 7 pm, Sept. 10th (parking included). Complimentary drinks in the Shaw Room!
- 6 great seats for authors Margaret Renkl, Janisse Ray, and Dwight Andrews “Arts at the Confluence” at First Congregational Church, 2-4 pm, Sept. 11th (parking included)
- Donor Reception and Art Exhibition – 6 invitations to our reception and art exhibition with Margaret Renkl, Billy Renkl, and Janisse Ray at the Trees Atlanta Kendeda Center, 225 Chester Ave SE, 5-6 pm, Sept. 11th
- Dinner for Six – Donor and 5 guests; enjoy a lavish dinner at the Woodruff Arts Center Restaurant, 1280 Peachtree Street, Sept. 10th, 2 complimentary bottles of wine
- Tour for Six – Donor and 5 guests are invited to a chartered bus trip and guided tour of the newly proposed Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve in Georgia
- Full-page program advertisement – Atlanta Symphony Hall Premiere of Steven Darsey’s oratorio setting of Lanier’s “The Marshes of Glynn”
Foundation Patron / $5,000
- Best Seats in the House
- 4 great seats for the premiere of Steven Darsey’s oratorio setting of Sidney Lanier’s “The Marshes of Glynn,” Atlanta Symphony Hall, 7 pm, Sept. 10th (parking included). Complimentary drinks in the Shaw Room!
- 4 great seats for authors Margaret Renkl, Janisse Ray, and Dwight Andrews “Arts at the Confluence” at First Congregational Church, 2-4 pm, Sept. 11th (parking included)
- Donor Reception and Art Exhibition – 4 invitations to our reception and art exhibition with Margaret Renkl, Billy Renkl, and Janisse Ray at the Trees Atlanta Kendeda Center, 225 Chester Ave SE, 5-6 pm, Sept. 11th
- Dinner for Four – Donor and 3 guests; enjoy a lavish dinner at the Woodruff Arts Center Restaurant, 1280 Peachtree Street, Sept. 10th, 1 complimentary bottle of wine
- Tour for Four – Donor and 3 guests are invited to a chartered bus trip and guided tour of the newly proposed Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve in Georgia
- Half-page program advertisement – Atlanta Symphony Hall Premiere of Steven Darsey’s oratorio setting of Lanier’s “The Marshes of Glynn”
Patron / $1,000
- Best Seats in the House
- 2 great seats for the premiere of Steven Darsey’s oratorio setting of Sidney Lanier’s “The Marshes of Glynn,” Atlanta Symphony Hall, 7 pm, Sept. 10th (parking included)
- 2 great seats for authors Margaret Renkl, Janisse Ray, and Dwight Andrews “Arts at the Confluence” at First Congregational Church, 2-4 pm, Sept. 11th (parking included)
- Donor Reception and Art Exhibition – 2 invitations to our reception and art exhibition with Margaret Renkl, Billy Renkl, and Janisse Ray at the Trees Atlanta Kendeda Center, 225 Chester Ave SE, 5-6 pm, Sept. 11th
- Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss, signed by Margaret Renkl
- Wild Spectacle: Seeking Wonders in a World beyond Humans, signed by Janisse Ray
Donor / $500
- Best Seats in the House
- 2 great seats for the premiere of Steven Darsey’s oratorio setting of Sidney Lanier’s “The Marshes of Glynn,” Atlanta Symphony Hall, 7 pm, Sept. 10th (parking included)
- 2 great seats for authors Margaret Renkl, Janisse Ray, and Dwight Andrews “Arts at the Confluence” at First Congregational Church, 2-4 pm, Sept. 11th (parking included)
- Donor Reception and Art Exhibition – 2 invitations to our reception and art exhibition with Margaret Renkl, Billy Renkl, and Janisse Ray at the Trees Atlanta Kendeda Center, 225 Chester Ave SE, 5-6 pm, Sept. 11th
Thank you for your support!
Meridian Herald depends on donations to enable our programming, the lion’s share of which come from individual donors. Meridian Herald is a 501(c) (3) non-profit and contributions are tax deductible. To contribute, please send your check to:
Meridian Herald
P.O. Box 1684
GA, 30031
Or, click the donate button above to make a contribution by credit card or PayPal account to support the work of Meridian Herald. Contributions are tax deductible.
Volunteer Support
Meridian Herald is grateful for volunteers who help us in many ways: ushering, publicity, photography, videography, administration, writing, editing, and more. We have simple and pleasant opportunities throughout the year at our various performance locations. If you have gifts you would like to share, please let us know.
Mailing List
To keep you apprised of our programming and news, please join our mailing list by providing us your name and email address on the form below:
Sponsors of the 2020-2021 Season:
Founding Patron $25,000 or more
Patron $5,000 or more Major Supporter $2,000 or more Supporter $1,000 or more Contributor $500 or more Friend $100 or more |